Conveyor Belts!
With buttons you can switch directions or make it harder to walk!
Also, Can you mod the conveyor belts to make it slower, reverse, and fast!
Next, is…
Offsetting Every Objects!
To make it more school-ier, off set everything! Use it for decorations, obsticles, and more!
One-Way Door!
Have them or.. not have them… Decorative and making school impossible or possible and easy face the one way door in front of 25 cent door, it’s easy as that! The characters in the school are stuck still! In BB+, It’s true.
Suggestion: Add possibility to load own music for game, swapping it with ingame one, cause Unity has possibility of easy file explorer already. And separate volume sliders. (Separate SFX, music and etc.)
Or in Russian for it to be easier on read for some people:
Предложение: Добавить возможность загружать свою музыку на замену внутриигровой, тк юнити уже имеет поддержку с простым ф. менеджером. И отдельные слайдеры громкости под звук, музыку, диалог и тд.
hey daniilsuperx make the 0.8 mechinac where there is a timmer and when the lights go off princpal will try to find you and baldi gets faster and the placeholderhereare this link will send you the youtube video to make the song i recomend downloading the song from the bb+ wiki 0.8
Android version of the mod is poorly optimized and can freeze, even on powerful phones. That not TURE I'm using tablet from 2020 and it even not lagging
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Suggestion: Conveyor Belts! With buttons you can switch directions or make it harder to walk! Also, Can you mod the conveyor belts to make it slower, reverse, and fast! Next, is…
Offsetting Every Objects! To make it more school-ier, off set everything! Use it for decorations, obsticles, and more!
One-Way Door! Have them or.. not have them… Decorative and making school impossible or possible and easy face the one way door in front of 25 cent door, it’s easy as that! The characters in the school are stuck still! In BB+, It’s true. (ADD THOSE IN BETA 1.)
Suggestion: Add possibility to load own music for game, swapping it with ingame one, cause Unity has possibility of easy file explorer already. And separate volume sliders. (Separate SFX, music and etc.)
Or in Russian for it to be easier on read for some people:
Предложение: Добавить возможность загружать свою музыку на замену внутриигровой, тк юнити уже имеет поддержку с простым ф. менеджером. И отдельные слайдеры громкости под звук, музыку, диалог и тд.
Not this idiot again!😡
Bro shut with this already, you're making idiot out of yourself right now. Instead of hating you could just ignore. How even old are you?
You are stupid, what did he do
Can you add captions?
Cool mod btw when multiplayer
Maybe when servers will get up and running, this is still beta as dev said, so hop in seat and wait for it, no announcs so far about it.
Can you add YTP Coins in the level editor?
That would be used for farming them, probably Daniil won't add.
oh ok.
pls upload it on gamebanana i cant download things from anymore for some reason!1!!
Try updating browser, or use different one. Had same problem with itch for a while.
ok thx ill try
Guys help me, how to edit the poster?
You can't, it's fixated. (jk, write text first, then place the poster)
Why I Can't Open The Program?
有,但是在外网,Please speak English.
有 Yes
Are you still gonna update it?
hey daniilsuperx make the 0.8 mechinac where there is a timmer and when the lights go off princpal will try to find you and baldi gets faster and the placeholderhereare this link will send you the youtube video to make the song i recomend downloading the song from the bb+ wiki 0.8
You are the best man alive
I'm wondering, if Baldi's Basics Full Remastered still receives updates after BBFRR releases. Just asking.
I don't know.
This is best
Me want updates
are you still working on games?
my job
That map looks fun, but kind of weird
Yeah that because it is
I was looking for this game for a while. The name isn't easy to remember lmao
Just type up if you get lost
Is it fun?
im on pc i cant build.
Push space bar
I wish there was a report button
Yeah it'd be very nice to click in times like people stealing maps
we are working on it
You guys are the best
You guys are the best
Same with my BBC school recreation. I dunno why some "map creators" uses random map as a template
BBC schoolhouse is not an unique thing, everyone does it
I know
"BBCR Map" by baldigamesiscool is the most downloaded level in the game lol (idk if its yours tho)
I'm not sure about layout, but it's not mine
Wait the minute, thats mine
Wait i think no
Why would someone steal YOUR map thats a bit rude
why there furry and also how to build i dont know D:
Ain't no way y'all see a "place" and a "remove" button ?
meow :3
There are no furries in the game tho
Edit: fixed typing furry, screw autocorrect
I think he's talking about that one anime girl with the dog ears that gives you math
(Yeah I hate that character)
There's no furry in the game
Baldi's epik school floor 2 is finished
how do u place stuff in the editor
My acc name is bo noise btw
baldi got into raldi's crack vault😭🙏
Baldi, you're gen Y, Baldi being
an alpha..What does the plastic cup do?
Edit:now I know
What it does?
you have to use it
why tho?
Edit now I know to refill the plastic can
Hey me want chance the test Update
Johnsterspacegames and swa finished when we thought we lost this guy but he made a ultimate comeback
Можеш сделать версию для 32 битного пк?
не выйдет, на юнити уже нельзя так сделать
How do I put triggers?
write a size for the trigger with a comma, for example "10,20" makes a trigger 10 tiles wide and 20 tiles tall
thank you
Android version of the mod is poorly optimized and can freeze, even on powerful phones.That not TURE I'm using tablet from 2020 and it even not laggingWhat is your tablet's ram?
1,5 GB from 2,1 GB
my phone is 8gb from 8gb
Best mod
I found a "special room" file in BBFRR files, which it says: "Nya.NYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!Adem Moment." (bruh). Just another meanless easter egg
Uhh what
the code that makes it is even weirder lol
why dont you update your new baldis basics plus remastered anymore
i got burned out of it and im now working on a diffrent project
Possibly it's cancelled
i can't play it:(
it doesn't let me start the game
You mean its force close after the title?