I hope Baldi will praise the player. When the player answers a math machine question correctly,Just as Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered and Baldi's Basics Plus
I think that's more in line with baldi's character setting
If the characters in Baldi's Basics make the game complicated, imagine in this mod, not because they are challenging but because they are exaggeratedly annoying and feel out of place.
I love this mod a LOT but there are some bugs that kinda annoy me on the android version im not trying to be rude but the camera sometimes bugs out also some of the text in the menus and buttons are moved also the hitbox for the chair and tables in the classroom are too big and i cant use the water fountains or interactive things like vending machines because i cant click on it when im moving
Разработчик пофиксь один баг, когда я касаюсь экрана берется предмет, точнее когда касаюсь всего экрана и даже кнопок , когда беру еду она сразу съедается
developer fix it one bug, when I touch the screen, an object is taken, more precisely when I touch the entire screen and even the buttons, when I take food, it is immediately eaten
I found some couple bugs, these 2 clipboards are empty,Wich means I didn't understand how many logs, how many times do I have. And Squirrel's thinking pad are empty too and there no way to out. So in another update, Please fix them! good luck.
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I completed the classic mode with all the wrong answers
How download
Question: Will they continue developing this game?
I hope Baldi will praise the player. When the player answers a math machine question correctly,Just as Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered and Baldi's Basics Plus
I think that's more in line with baldi's character setting
Support, top it up!
Just a suggestion for next update. Made it possible that you can turn around and drop item in Android version, because it could be useful for that
can you make the level editor into the game pls
If the characters in Baldi's Basics make the game complicated, imagine in this mod, not because they are challenging but because they are exaggeratedly annoying and feel out of place.
i haven't played any baldis basics mods before
How can i get the last coin? (Green coin)
Fight the boss
this decompile hasn't even still fixed the bug with the camera you should even add a interact button because I can't pick items that I want.
The android version is very complicated to play, it should have the controls like the original Baldi's Basics.
Спасибо за мод и еще за то что он на 32 битную версию альтернатива baldi+
I love this mod a LOT but there are some bugs that kinda annoy me on the android version im not trying to be rude but the camera sometimes bugs out also some of the text in the menus and buttons are moved also the hitbox for the chair and tables in the classroom are too big and i cant use the water fountains or interactive things like vending machines because i cant click on it when im moving
How to unlock glitch mod with Null
Как разблокировать глитч режим с Нуллом
Can you provide a Mac version? Please.
I wanna the old version for Android (v1.26.) ANYONE know wanna the old version?
The update is here and Im happy
I found another bug: when I use the Principal's Whistle in Glitch Mode, The NULL/Glitch wouldn't run as a light speed (cause this item useless)
How do you get null mode?
Of this Baldi's head on center (in Dany's Library) after beating Hide n Seek and Basics Mode
Are you sure its just hide n seek and basic mode? I've beaten both but it doesnt seem to work
You have to click on the bald head in the middle. Then you will get teleprted to the basement.
good mod
Разработчик пофиксь один баг, когда я касаюсь экрана берется предмет, точнее когда касаюсь всего экрана и даже кнопок , когда беру еду она сразу съедается
developer fix it one bug, when I touch the screen, an object is taken, more precisely when I touch the entire screen and even the buttons, when I take food, it is immediately eaten
I found some couple bugs, these 2 clipboards are empty,Wich means I didn't understand how many logs, how many times do I have. And Squirrel's thinking pad are empty too and there no way to out. So in another update, Please fix them! good luck.

Same happens, I think it's cause of Math Machine
Mobile Support or not?
I finished hide and seek (this was months ago but I want to show it now)
Hey uhm where can I find the rust labyrinth?
What is happening it said it was updated 7hours ago but is says the version is still 1.30.3
Bruh, I think grappling hook is a little bit "bugged"
I know that what author is russian
you should make a ios port of this like a ipa
just sayin
finally, I got a rare death screen!!

I got that to
Its eazy to get
it may be a glitch on my end, but i cant download it
The mod would be 10× better if pomp functioned like how she does in BB+ when she gets mad.
Still outstanding tho!